Hip-Hop Hippo (Age 2-4)
Hip Hop Hippo Classes

This class is for children aged 2-4, where little girls and boys will learn and develop funky street moves to action songs and the latest music. The children love this class, and it is wonderful to see their confidence grow as they engage with Hip Hop Hippo and their classmates. Parents can wait in the reception area during the first class while their child settles in. Miss Jenny and her professional team believe that having just the dancers in the studio is crucial for building their independence as dancers.

This class is designed to teach the children basic street dance moves and develop their coordination skills, while also providing opportunities for creativity. When they turn 4, and once Miss Jenny & her team feel they are ready, they will move up to the Street/Break Dance Lil’ Crew.

Each week, the children are rewarded with a sticker on their reward chart. The chart changes colour each half term, and they take it home once it is filled in.

Once they turn 3 & we think they are ready they will have the opportunity to showcase their skills and progress by performing in our annual show at the Parr Hall. This event is a highlight of the year, allowing students to experience the thrill and joy of performing on stage in front of an audience.


15 Feb @ 10:00
10:00 — 10:45 (45′)

Studio One

Jessica Kitchen, Zoe Norris

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