Ballerina Bear (Age 2-3)
Ballerina Bear classes are designed for budding dancers aged 2-4 and are split into two age brackets: ages 2-3 and ages 3-4. The young ballerinas love the class, and it is delightful to see them engage with Ballerina Bear and their classmates, watching their confidence grow week after week.

Parents are welcome to stay and wait in the reception area during the first week while their child settles in. Miss Jenny and her team of professional teachers believe that having just the ballerinas in the studio is crucial for building their independence as dancers. With over 20 years of experience, Miss Jenny understands that all children are different and will help them settle into the class, providing one-on-one support and nurturing when needed.

The class is designed to teach the children their first basic ballet steps, instilling discipline while ensuring they have fun. The ballerinas will spin and twirl with Ballerina Bear, who shares her adventures and stories with the children through action songs and music. They will start to learn about poise and posture, and the class will improve their coordination skills at an early age.

Each week, the children are rewarded with a sticker on their reward chart, which changes color each half term. They take the chart home once it is filled in.

Once your child turns 4, Miss Jenny will decide when they are ready to move up to Pre Primary Ballet, where they will follow the ISTD Cecchetti syllabus, leading towards taking an exam.

These Ballerina Bear classes are very popular. If you would like to add your child’s name to the waiting list for when they turn 2, it is highly advised so your child doesn’t miss out.

When they turn 3 & if we think they are ready they will have the opportunity to showcase their skills and progress by performing in our annual show at the Parr Hall. This event is a highlight of the year, allowing students to experience the thrill and joy of performing on stage in front of an audience.

18 Jan @ 09:00
09:00 — 09:45 (45′)

Studio One

Jessica Kitchen, Zoe Norris


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